My childhood Friend

My Childhood Friend

Image result for my childhood friend
Do you recall
Many years ago
When we're young
How we used to play together
Every day?

It seems like yesterday
The childhood world
Of clowns and cotton candies
And the days
 That never seemed to end
 When we played often
 From four in the evening to the dusk
 Then set outside of someone's house
 And listened to the trending songs

And we'd talk about our dreams
What we'd do when we grew up

Do you remember the vacations
When we got the training wheels off our bikes
And we were free to explore the world
In an afternoon
The street which seemed to be our own

Those days passed by furtively
And we grew up
And we thought that we're too grown ups

And when I see you now
You've changed in ways I can't explain

Won't you come to play
O my childhood friend
For we're still so young
                            - Vinit F.™


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